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When Should I Get A CCTV Drain Survey

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  • drain, drainage, cctv, obstruction, problems
  • Posted date:
  • 28-03-2023
When Should I Get A CCTV Drain Survey

This article asks: when should i get a CCTV drain survey? Blockagegone offer drain cleaning and survey services throughout Ipswich, Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Saxmundham, Stowmarket and Suffolk. Find out why you should consider a CCTV drain survey and when you would need a drain survey.

When Do I Need a CCTV Drain Survey?

A CCTV drain survey is a thorough examination of a drainage system. CCTV cameras are placed down the drains and provide a live feed. This allows the survey engineers to observe the condition of the drains and detect any issues. 

Drain surveys are necessary if you suspect a blockage or damage to the pipes. It's also a good idea to organise a survey if you're buying an older home to make sure that there are no current issues. When your property often has drain obstructions CCTV drain inspection come in handy. You can also get one if you believe a pipe is damaged or if a pipe has to be relined. 

There may be signs that you need a drainage survey in your current house. Water backing up, bubbles surrounding drains, clogged drains, flushing troubles, corrosion, and animal infestation are examples of these. If you're looking for a new property to renovate, it's a good idea to include a drainage assessment in your search for peace of mind. 

A standard homebuyer's inspection does not include a property's drainage. Hiring a drainage survey might spare you from an expensive effort to address concerns later on. If any issues are discovered, you may be able to use this to negotiate the price of the property. 

What Does A Drainage Survey Cost?

Why You Should Consider A CCTV Drain Survey

 When Should I Get A CCTV Drain Survey? Ipswich, Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Saxmundham, Stowmarket and Suffolk.

You can only get a decent deal when buying a property if you are completely aware of what you are buying. You can better understand any issues when you use a surveyor or a home buyer's report to assist you. The drainage, on the other hand, is a feature of the house that is more difficult to perceive. Most people don't think much about drainage unless there is a problem. 

But, if you buy a house, you can inherit many drainage problems that are hidden below the surface. To make sure you're getting the whole picture, get a CCTV drain survey. You can see what's happening within drains and sewers by using a CCTV drain survey. 

They are a helpful tool for figuring out the source of an issue and whether there are any obstructions in your drains. It could be anything from a build-up of oil and fat to harm to the drain's real integrity.  

Drain surveys are performed for residential and commercial projects. This includes both new and old homes. Drain obstructions are difficult to detect. Some may be deep within your pipes, rendering home remedies worthless. If you feel your drainage system is failing, you must be aware of the warning signs. A CCTV survey allows you to detect and resolve the problem before it worsens. 

What is a CCTV Drain Survey?

Any house needs working drains; it may be very frustrating to discover that yours aren't up to scratch. It's critical to understand exactly what's going on inside your pipes. CCTV drain surveys are key for providing you with a detailed picture of your drains. Using cutting-edge technology, a CCTV drain survey examines the inside of your drainage system. 

Small CCTV cameras are put into the system by CCTV drain surveys, providing real-time photographs of their condition. This enables the expert to spot any problems that could be clogging your drains. Or anything else that could indicate a possible concern. A live video stream from within your drainage system gives you a clear picture of any problems. 

The engineer will be better able to grasp the location, size, and scale of any problems, as well as the underlying reason. They will be able to determine the best techniques for resolving the difficulties. They will be able to address the issue immediately, rather than excavating the entire drainage system.

What is a CCTV Drain Survey? Ipswich, Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Saxmundham, Stowmarket and Suffolk.

When Do You Need a Drain Survey?

Purchasing A New Property

Anyone buying a new house should consider investing in a home buyer's drain survey. You can be sure of knowing the state of the drainage system and any problems or repairs that may need to be made by having the drains examined.

Slow Draining

Observing that water is taking longer to drain is one of the first indications that your drains are having a problem. If water is draining from the plughole slower than usual, you might have an obstruction in one of your drains. A CCTV drain study will be able to pinpoint the source of the issue and make sure it can be fixed before it worsens. 

Examine your home's bathtubs, toilets, and sinks. If the water drains slowly, this might tell you that an obstruction has to be cleared. Slow water drainage is produced by the water having to squeeze past the obstruction, impeding its flow. Also, if only one appliance is having issues, the problem is most likely limited to that one fixture and associated pipes. If all the building's appliances, sinks, and toilets are malfunctioning, the root of the problem might be the sewage drain. 

Pooling Water

Pooling Water - When Should I Get A CCTV Drain Survey?

When there is a blockage, the first thing to note is that something is wrong with the water. 

Whether it's draining slower or not draining at all. Your drainage system may be compromised if your toilet, sink, or bathtub no longer empties water. Or if you notice pools of water that refuse to go down. 

This can be the result of a drainage pipe failure or obstruction. The drainage expert will be able to determine the problem and plan a strategy to get it addressed as soon as possible. This is done by using a CCTV inspection.

Strange Smells

Observing an odd or foul smell coming from your drains is another typical indicator that your home might need a drain survey. 

Oil, food, hair, soap, and sanitary items that are flushed down the sink, are often the main sources of blockages. This may result in a clog in the sewer, causing waste to collect and bad odours to back up into your system. A CCTV check can help you identify the source of the stench so you can get it fixed. 

Smelly drains are not unusual, and they are a solid sign that your drain is plugged. The foul odour is caused by the gradual breakdown of trapped food and lipids in the drainage system. 

When the water is switched on, the scent grows stronger. The source of the odour is sometimes simple to resolve, and you may clean the drainage system yourself by pouring drain cleaner down the pipes. However, it is better to get a CCTV survey done in case the problem is serious.


A periodic inspection keeps you informed about the condition of your pipes. Drainage systems in homes and businesses are subjected to a great deal of abuse. A good engineer will be able to detect potential problem areas and correct them before they escalate.

Are you looking for drain surveys in the Ipswich, Felixstowe, Woodbridge, Saxmundham, Stowmarket and Suffolk area? Find out more about our local drain survey services below.